Epidavria Hotel Tolo - Hotel Policies
Check In - Check Out
Check in: 14:00 - 21:00
Check Out: 07:00 - 12:00 midday
If your hours differ from the above we will do our best to accommodate you, please ask at reception.
Deposit & Payment Policies
It is possible to secure your reservation at the hotel using one of the following methods:
Cash payment via bank transfer - please ask for our bank details in this instance
Current credit card with card holder's name, expiry date and CVV/CVC number
- If your reservation is made using our standard policy your credit card will not be charged
- The Hotel reserves rights to pre-authorise your card prior to your arrival
- If your booking is made using our non-refundable policy the whole amount of your reservation is charged at the time of booking.
Cancellation & Modification Policies
Reservations made with standard policy
Cancellations & modifications notified between 11 - 30 days prior to arrival date - no charge
Cancellations & modifications notified between 2 - 10 days prior to arrival date - 50% of stay charged
For cancellations or modifications notified 1 day before arrival date, same day, no-shows & early departures - 100% of stay charged.
Reservations made with non-refundable policy
Bookings made with our non-refundable policy are charges in full at the time of reservation and no refunds are given.